If you are looking for a place to come and find a home, there is room for you here.
We look forward to seeing you on a Sunday morning!
Looking for a church but not sure where to turn? We want to help you find a home. Our church is dedicated to gathering people into communion with Jesus Christ, one another, and the world -- we want to have some fun along the way! Click below to find out more and plan a visit.
On a Sunday morning you can expect to be welcomed warmly by our volunteers and staff. We engage in dynamic worship, an engaging sermon, and coming to the Lord's Table for communion each week. We can't wait to meet you!
120 Smallwood Drive, Morrisivlle, NC 27560 is our address. We are on the edge of Durham County but in the Brier Creek area of Raleigh, very close to the RDU airport.
9:00am or 10:30am
All Saints' has plenty of parking. Special visitor spaces are near the entrance of the parking lot from the road, close to the Sanctuary building (the first building as you enter the parking lot).
Yes! Nursery is offered at 10:30am worship. The Sonshine Children's Choir rehearses on many Sundays to prepare to sing in worship on occasion, and Children's Church is offered at the 10:30 service. Additionally, we offer Fourth Friday Parents Night Out monthly and summertime VBS, as well as other special events.
Both of our worship services center around the sacrament of Holy Communion, and typically include usual elements of worship such as prayer, Scripture, sermon, and music. Both worship services are rooted in the traditions of the church. Our 9am service is contemporary in nature with a worship leader, while our 10:30 service is traditional/liturgical, relying on the great hymns of the church with the music led by our Chancel Choir.
Worshippers wear anything from casual attire (jeans/shorts) to business casual.
You can contact a ministry leader or email office@allsaintsumc.org for more information.
Read about our small groups here! You can sign up for a group, or email questions or arrange a time to meet with a staff person or lay leader here to find the best fit for you.
The best way is to contact a staff person or lay leader. If it's most convenient, email office@allsaintsumc.org or call the church phone (919-321-2648) for initial direction.
Looking for a church but not sure if we're a great fit? Ask us anything - We're here to help!
Our Welcoming Statement
All Saints’ United Methodist Church is committed to being a Christian community which seeks to reflect Christ in all aspects of our life together. As such a community, we welcome and value the sacred worth of every individual, without exception. We welcome individuals of every age, ability, race, color, creed, ethnicity, economic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, education level, marital status, nationality and country of origin. All are welcome at All Saints' United Methodist Church, where we strive to follow the greatest commandments: to love God and to love our neighbor.
ASUMC is proud to be a United Methodist Lighthouse Congregation
Lighthouse Congregations are local churches in The North Carolina Conference that are particularly equipped and willing to be a caring and hospitable place that welcomes anyone whose church has closed or disaffiliated. If you find yourself in these circumstances, a Lighthouse Congregation may be just what you need to fulfill your desire to remain United Methodist. Consider these faith communities a resting place, with people who will care for you while providing a haven of peace and grace.
Lighthouse Congregations will be committed to the following:
(1) Worship: Providing worship opportunities whether online or in person. These services should be intentional about engaging and welcoming new people into the fold.
(2) Discipleship: Creating space to learn and grow, through small group gatherings, Bible studies and prayer opportunities.
(3) Mission: Inviting fellow United Methodists into opportunities to serve through hands on ministries. This can include things like backpack ministries, community gardens, literacy and C4C programs, or anything that involves making a difference and sharing the love of God with others.
(4) Sacrament: Communion will be offered at least one Sunday a month, but also may include invitations to communion outside of traditional worship such as mid-week gatherings and in small groups.
(5) Pastoral Care: Offering care such as hospital visits, gatherings at coffee shops, and finding ways to be available to those who are in need of pastoral care. This is not just the responsibility of the pastor, but includes ways in which the congregation may engage in visitation ministries, meal trains, and communications ministries.