Life Together Ministries

Life Together Ministries is our small group system for adult discipleship ministries. Life groups offer a way for everyone to get plugged into a smaller community of people to meet regularly or on occasion in Christian fellowship.

Our groups come in all shapes and sizes. Some groups might be set up like a traditional Sunday School class or evening small group, while other groups may meet in creative new ways. There will be something for everyone- so that we can all grow closer to each other in Christian community.

Not sure what group is a good fit for you?

Let's Talk! 

Short Term Groups (Sept-Oct)

* LOTS (Ladies on Tuesdays) will discuss Adam Hamilton’s book & video series, Why? Making Sense of God’s Will, Tuesdays, Sept 17– Oct 8, 10-11:30 am, in the Ministry Center Room 5. Access to the book is encouraged but not required. Register Here for Making Sense of God' Will.

* The After Party: Who has disappeared from your life because of politics? The aim with The After Party book/video discussion is to help you grow in hope & humility as you think about & engage in politics. Hope & humility are Christian virtues foundational for healthy political engagement.  A 6-week discussion, Thursdays, Sept 19-Oct 24, 6:30-8pm in the Ministry Center. Purchase of the book The After Party: Toward Better Christian Politics by Curtis Chang & Nancy French is optional.  Worksheets will be provided. Register Here for The After Party.

* Introduction to United Methodist Church History: This study is for those interested in learning how our denomination came to be The United Methodist Church. Five sessions on Mondays, noon - 1 pm, Oct 14 - Nov 11, via Zoom. Pastor Chae will lead the study. Participants can expect these study sessions to be casual in nature. Assigned readings (TBD) will provide focus for much of the group's conversation with one another.  Register Here for Methodist History.


* Discovering and Using Your Spiritual Gifts:  a 4-week discussion about the spiritual gifts God has given each of us.  What are yours and how might God want to use you for the building up of Christ’s kingdom on earth? The book For the Common Good: Discovering and Using Your Spiritual Gifts by Christine Harman, will be a resource but purchase of the book is not necessary. Worksheets will be provided.  The group will meet on Monday evenings, Oct 21, Oct 28, Nov 11 & Nov 18, 7-8:30pm in the Ministry Center.  Register Here for Spiritual Gifts.

Adult Connexion: This traditional Sunday School class meets Sunday 9:30-10:15am in the Ministry Center Room 5.  The Connexion class will be studying the Acts of the Apostles from Sept 1 through Nov 24. No book is required, just bring your bible.  Registration not necessary; just show up. 

Ongoing Groups

20s-30s Fellowship Group Monthly; Offsite; The 20s - 30s Fellowship Life Group is designed for young adults, married or single, without children, who want to gather for dinner & conversation in a private home or restaurant. Specific dates/times & conversation topics will be announced. Please contact Mulloy Harmody for more information or Click Here to RSVP.

Parents with Young Children -  1st & 3rd Sun, 5:30-8 pm; potluck & discussion in private home.  Contact Pastor Chae or RSVP Online.

Continuing Journey is a Group of Boomers and GenXers supporting each other in this adventure called life. The purpose of this new Life Group is to fellowship, and get to know each other more deeply as brothers and sisters in Christ.  The age parameter is not a hard and fast rule and we would welcome all! Registration is encouraged, Click Here to RSVP.

 Senior Saints, Too (Newly or About to be Retired)- Fellowship group; 1st Sunday evening of the month @ All Saints'. Contact Vic and JoAnne James. Click Here to RSVP. 

 Senior Saints (Retired; Married & Single) - Fellowship group; 2nd Sunday evening of the month. Contact Bob & Debra Hinton.

 Adult Connexion - This is a traditional Adult ‘Sunday School’ class that meets year round, at 9:30 am on Sunday mornings, in room 5 in the ASUMC Ministry Center.  The group currently is using the Adult Bible Studies series by Abingdon Press.  Contact Bill Pollard  for more information.


Reconciling Saints is a community within All Saints which is affiliated with the Reconciling Ministries Network (see  Our mission is to provide an open and affirming welcoming presence for members of the LGBTQIA+ community.  For any questions contact Ann Griffin

Men's and Women's Groups

Theology On Tap
Women About Town
Men's Bible Study
Ladies on Tuesdays (LOTs)
Women on Wednesdays
Theology On Tap

2nd Tuesdays at 6 pm

Theology On Tap

Men are invited for fellowship & conversation on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6 pm (various locations).  All men are welcome – whether part of All Saints’ UMC or not.  Registration is not required - just come join in!

Women About Town
Men's Bible Study
Ladies on Tuesdays (LOTs)
Women on Wednesdays