Hey friends! We're all about reaching more people so we can build a bigger table and share the love of Jesus. And you can help make that happen by writing positive reviews for our church online.
When you look for a new restaurant to visit, you probably check the reviews first. And people looking for a church do the same thing.
In your reviews for our church, you can add photos, please try to be specific about why you love being part of the church, and share why someone should come check it out. Here are some example reviews people have left for our church:
The emphasis on communion, the beautiful liturgy, but most of all, the warm, welcoming people were what made us feel like we could call All Saints’ our home while living in the Triangle. Plus, we were so moved by the church’s impressive welcoming statement and their conviction to invite all people to the table that we just knew this was the place for us.
We've been attending for almost five years and truly love being in fellowship with this community of Saints. Very active children's and adult ministry programs. Weekly communion is something that brings everyone together at the table and creates a unique worship opportunity. Our common tables (small groups) inspire new relationships and keep each other engaged. Truly one of THE best churches in the Triangle. Lots of opportunity for leadership - regardless of how long you have attended.
The youth group is fantastic with great engaging activities. My kids love attending and can't wait to go! The new church truly represents this church. The ceiling is traditional transitioning into modern clean lines of large windows. I highly recommend coming to visit this church!!
What should you NOT include? Try to avoid any information that could change in a way that could be 'out of date' one day - specific dates, worship times, or even people's names (feel free to use their job/role/title!)
Here's some sentence starter ideas (just pick 2-3 of your favorites!)
To make the BIGGEST impact, write a review on each of the platforms listed below (no worries if you just copy-paste the text on several platforms).