Youth at All Saints
Youth at All Saints
The All Saints' Youth Group is made up of students from 6th-12th grade and fantastic adult leaders. During the school year, we gather every other Sunday at the church for a time of games, exploring Scripture, snacks, and small group time. In addition to these regular gatherings, we often engage in different mission efforts, go on trips, and have other times where we build our community up in fun and faith!
Core Items to Youth Ministry
Youth Group
Teens need structure and continuity in order to grow closer to God and one another. To foster a sense of belonging, we will host youth group meetings on a regular basis
Youth need consistent and stable leaders to serve as role models and forge relationships within the church family. So that youth may learn from adults with a range of experiences, we will create a core group of rotating volunteers to assist with youth group events.
Youth are called to serve in the world. Mission trips into new communities will encourage youth to build cross-cultural relationships and challenge their worldview. Each year, we will offer our youth one local and one out-of-state mission trip. These consistent mission trips will become faith traditions at All Saints’ and will encourage long-term relationships with missional communities.
Youth grow and bond with each other best when away from their daily routine. Retreats provide immersion by removing distractions and allow youth to focus on their faith. We will host 2 retreats annually to help build youth group tradition and spiritual formation.
Confirmation is open to students 7th grade and up interested in joining as full members of All Saints' UMC. While confirmation is not a sacrament in the United Methodist Church, it is an important rite of passage for teens to experience as they begin to learn more about who they are, what they believe, and what their relationship with God looks like. We offer our Confirmation program every spring, and at the end of the program, our teens will get to decide for themselves if they'd like to join as full members of All Saints' UMC, committing to Christian discipleship.
Summer Mission Trip
Every summer, All Saints' Youth takes a mission trip! These mission trips are a great opportunity for us to help put our faith into practice, give back to our communities, and help us grow in relationship with one another. We seek to provide opportunities for our youth to both serve on mission trips away from home as well as in our local communities, and in so doing give them a wide experience of how we can be in service to our neighbors.
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